Drapeau France France
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30 days to change your mind, Your return request must be made within 30 days from the date of receipt or collection of the package. In the context of an order for several products, the 30-day period only begins to run from the receipt of the last product delivered.
What should I put in my package?
  1. Be sure to return yourcomplete product, in its original condition (packaging, accessories, instructions) in new condition with its original packaging(except in the case of a carrier dispute). Items and packaging returned incomplete, damaged, damaged or soiled by the customer will not be taken back. Are excluded from the right of return: items that have been personalized at the customer's request as well as destocking products and computer software, audio or video recording products, when the protective blister has been removed .

  2. Print the form below.All fields are mandatory to proceed with the proper processing of your return

  3. Pack your package carefullyin which you will have attached the completed form (remember to keep a copy) as well as a copy of your Star's Music invoice.

  4. Send your package toSTAR'S MUSIC - 76, rue du Capitaine Guynemer - 92400 Courbevoie - France.

  5. Our after-sales service will contact you by email or telephone upon receipt of the return package. The times may vary depending on the working days and the delivery times of your package.
Do I have to pay the return costs?
  • Have you changed your mind.
    It's your choice. In this case, the return costs are the responsibility of the customer, the cost of postage for a return package being between €5.50 for a light package and from €28 for a heavy package of more than 30kg.

  • You have not received the correct product or the product received is defective
    It's our fault. Contact our customer service, if possible attaching a photo with the description of the defect to info@stars-music.fr or by telephone on 01 81 930 900 in order to send you a free return slip if necessary.

  • You received a damaged product
    This is a carrier dispute. Note that the information concerning the precautions to take upon receipt of your package has been sent to you by email with your package number. We will only be able to open a file in the event of reservations expressed at the time of delivery. Contact our customer service, if possible attaching a photo of the defect to info@stars-music.fr or by telephone on 01 81 930 900 in order to send you a free return slip if necessary.