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Cleaning kit
The Vinyl-Pnv10 cleaning package from Enova hifi.
Cleaning kit for 5-in-1 vinyl disc. It includes various accessories to ensure optimal care of your vinyl: The extremely thin carbon fiber brush (smaller than the size of a hair) offers a gentle cleaning and gently removes dust from vinyl surfaces. Microfiber cleaning solutions and fabric will allow you to quickly remove dirt from your vinyl and diamonds. All supplied with a velvet bag to collect the complete kit.
Cleaning kit for 5-in-1 vinyl disc. It includes various accessories to ensure optimal care of your vinyl: The extremely thin carbon fiber brush (smaller than the size of a hair) offers a gentle cleaning and gently removes dust from vinyl surfaces. Microfiber cleaning solutions and fabric will allow you to quickly remove dirt from your vinyl and diamonds. All supplied with a velvet bag to collect the complete kit.
Lire la suite
Technical sheet
- 1 carbon fibre brush
- 1 microfibre fabric
- 1 cleaning solution 10ml for diamond
- 1 cleaning solution 200 ml for vinyl
- 1 foldable support for the vinyl disc
- Technical specifications :
- Kit weight: 435 g