Supro is an American manufacturer of amps, guitars and pedals recognizable by their very vintage look. The lightning bolt logo, the fabric covering of the amps and the choice of design take us back to the past of the United States. The company was founded in Chicago in 1935, at the height of the Jazz era and the beginning of the Chicago Blues. Valco, an American firm specialized in the manufacture of guitars (Airlines, National...), is the owner of the Supro brand until the closing of the factories in 1968. During this period, many Supro guitars (archtops and solid bodies) and amps were sold. Today, these fragments of history are rare pieces for collectors. The takeover of the brand in 2013, more than forty years after the last productions, puts this mythical manufacturer back in the spotlight and plunges us into the world of vintage. If you want to get closer to the sound of the greatest, like Joe Perry (Aerosmith), Lenny Kravitz or Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), you'll have to get one of these legendary amps.
Catalogue Supro Supro